The following references were used in the development of some articles at Texas Proud, including articles linked within the People, Places, Documents, and Events areas.
- Don Alberts (editor), Rebels on the Rio Grande, Albuquerque, NM, Merit Press, 1993
- D. W. Baker (Compiler), A Texas Scrapbook, New York, A. S. Barnes & Company, 1875
- Hubert Howe Bancroft, The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, Vol. XV: North Mexican States and Texas, 1153-1800, San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft & Co., Publishers, 1884; Vol. XVI: North Mexican States and Texas, 1801-1889, San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft & Co., Publishers, 1889.
- Donaly E. Brice, The Great Comanche Raid, Austin, Eakin Press, 1987
- John Henry Brown, History of Texas: 1685-1892, 2 Volumes, St. Louis, L. E. Daniell, 1892
- __________, Indian Wars and Pioneers of Texas, Austin, L. E. Daniell, 1895
- L. E. Daniell, Personnel of the Texas State Government, San Antonio, Maverick Printing House, 1892
- David C. Edmonds, Yankee Autumn in Acadiana, Lafayette, LA, The Acadiana Press, 1979
- Odie Faulk, General Tom Green: A Fightin’ Texan, Waco, Texian Press, 1963
- John Salmon Ford, Rip Ford’s Texas, Austin, University of Texas Press, 1963
- Donald S. Frazier, Blood & Treasure: Confederate Empire in the Southwest, College Station, Texas A&M University Press, 1995
- Bill Groneman, Alamo Defenders, Austin, Eakin Press, 1990
- Martin Hardwick Hall, The Confederate Army of New Mexico, Austin, Presidial Press, 1978
- __________, Sibley’s New Mexico Campaign, Austin, University of Texas Press, 1960
- Cleburne Huston, Deaf Smith: Incredible Texas Spy, Waco, Texian Press, 1973
- John H. Jenkins and Kenneth Kesselus, Edward Burleson: Texas Frontier Leader, Austin, Jenkins Publishing Company, 1990
- John Holland Jenkins, Recollections of Early Texas, The Memoirs of John Holland Jenkins, Austin, The University of Texas Press, 1958
- Alvin M. Josephy, Jr., The Civil War in the American West, New York, Knopf, 1991
- Francis Richard Lubbock, Six Decades in Texas, Austin, Ben C. Jones & Co. Printers, 1900
- Joseph D. McCutchan (John M. Nance, ed.), Mier Expedition Diary, Austin, University of Texas Press, 1977
- John M. Nance, After San Jacinto, Austin, University of Texas Press, 1963
- Theophilus Noel, A Campaign From Santa Fe To the Mississippi, Shreveport, Shreveport News Printing Establishment, 1865. [Two separate reprints of this extremely rare original were published in the early 1960s.]
- W. C. Nunn, Texas Under the Carpetbaggers, Austin, University of Texas Press, 1962
- Noah Smithwick, The Evolution of a State, Austin, H.P.N. Gammel, 1900
- Andrew J. Sowell, Rangers and Pioneers of Texas, San Antonio, Shepard Brothers and Company, 1884
- William Preston Stapp, Prisoners of Perote, Philadelphia, E. B. Zieber, 1845
- Ralph W. Steen, The Texas Story, Austin, The Steck Company, 1948
- Richard Taylor (Richard Harwell, ed.), Destruction and Reconstruction: Personal Experiences of the Late War, New Youk, Longman Green and Co., 1955
- Jerry D. Thompson, Henry Hopkins Sibley: Confederate General of the West, Natchitoches, Northwestern State University Press, 1987
- __________, Westward the Texans: The Civil War Journal of Private William Randolph Howell, El Paso, Texas Western Press, 1990
- Ron Tyler (editor-in-chief), The New Handbook of Texas, Austin, Texas State Historical Association, 1996
- Herbert Weaver (editor), Correspondence of James K. Polk, 5 Volumes, Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press, 1975
- Gifford White, 1830 Citizens of Texas, Austin, Eakin Press, 1983
- __________, 1840 Citizens of Texas, Vol. 1: Land Grants, Austin, Self-Published, 1983; Vol. 2: Tax Rolls, St. Louis, Ingmire Publications, 1984.
- J. W. Wilbarger, Indian Depredations in Texas, Austin, Hutchings Printing House, 1889
- Ernest William Winkler (editor), Journal of the Secession Convention of Texas, Austin, Austin Printing Company, 1912
- John D. Winters, The Civil War in Louisiana, Baton Rouge, LSU Press, 1963
- Dudley G. Wooten (editor), A Comprehensive History of Texas: 1685-1897, 2 Volumes, William G. Scarff, Dallas, 1898